Children’s Ministry


We believe children are vital to the life of the Church. As a community we seek to honor them as tiny disciples, learning to follow Jesus with us. Our children’s ministry may look a little different and that’s intentional. We want children to be included in our regular worship service, but also makes space for them to learn about Jesus in a way that they can understand. We focus on engaging children through story, music, art and liturgy. 

On Sunday evenings, our children’s ministry team seek to provide a safe, loving and fun environment where our kiddos will learn about the big story of the Bible and how it relates to their lives. We believe that all children are created in the image of God, and we do our best to accommodate each child’s needs. If your child has a special need, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the pastors or teachers and let us know how we can best serve you and your children in creating a friendly and safe space for them.

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Nursery is available for infants from birth to 4 years old. We value the safety of our children, and have strict vetting and background policies in place for our nursery workers. We encourage parents to drop off and check their kiddos into the nursery a few minutes before service begins with enough time to find a seat and prepare their hearts for worship. Many of our parents get their children before the communion portion of the service so that the whole family can be together for communion. If you would like to join us in this practice, please be sure to collect your child during the passing of the peace.

Our children are our most important guests, who enter into our home, ask for careful attention, stay for a while, and then leave to follow their own way.
— Henri Nouwen
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Children’s Chapel

Children’s Chapel is a space for the younger children of our church family to connect with God. We have designed this time to mimic the adult service in many respects, with space for silence and listening, singing, hearing the reading of the Bible and responding. We end with prayer and a blessing and then return for communion with the adults. Children’s chapel takes place during the adult sermon time, and usually lasts about 20 minutes. Before the sermon, a chapel teacher will lead children ages 5-10 out of the service. Parents are welcome to join their children if that would help them feel more comfortable getting involved.

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
— Deuteronomy 6:6-7