We are seeking to make space for

Spiritual transformation.

These Three Values shape everything we do. 



Our community is centered on the Gospel, the good news, of Jesus Christ. Through his teachings, his care for others, and his death and resurrection, Jesus was at work to transform the world. We believe that entering into life with Jesus welcomes us into the love, forgiveness, and healing God desires for all humanity. We strive to be attentive to Jesus’ teachings while following his priorities and loving people as He loved them. 




We are rooted in the Scriptures and the teachings of the historic Church. Through the story of God’s people recorded in the Bible, we have received a way to understand ourselves and our world, and we are invited into life with God and His people. We look to the wisdom of the church throughout history as an essential guide as we seek to follow Jesus in a highly-mobile, fragmented world.




Our goal is to grow as people of prayer and service, people of worship and discipleship, people of study and celebration. The Anglican way of following Jesus has been shaped by many currents in the Church’s history, such that it holds together things often separated. Through worshipping in word, sacrament, and openness to the Spirit of God we hope to live a comprehensive spiritual life.


Our Beliefs

Anglicans from around the world worshipping in Jerusalem at the Global Anglican Future Conference.

Anglicans from around the world worshipping in Jerusalem at the Global Anglican Future Conference.


Like other Christians around the world, we are committed to following the faith passed down to us by Jesus' first followers who believed He was God's Son sent to be the Savior of the world.  We live out that faith guided primarily by the Scriptures, but also by the wisdom of the generations of Christians that came before us.  What distinguishes Anglicans from many other Christians are the traditions and practices that we rely on to help form us into faithful followers of Jesus.  The best way to get what it means to follow Jesus in the Anglican way? Come do life with us! 

For a more detailed summary of our beliefs, check out the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) Theological Statement.



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What is Anglicanism?

Maybe you haven’t heard of the Anglican Church before. Anglicans are a family of Christians all around the world who trace their spiritual heritage back to the Church of England. The Christian faith came to England in the first or second century AD. It flourished there for over a thousand years as part of the Catholic Church. In the 1500s, leaders in the Church of England grew concerned that the Church had drifted from the biblical faith handed down by Jesus’ apostles. Like other church leaders throughout Europe, leaders in the Church of England sought to bring the church back to its biblical roots. So, the Church of England went through its own reformation as part of the larger Protestant Reformation. Since then, the Anglican way has spread around the globe. Today there are Anglican churches on every continent. Some Anglicans you might have heard of are the pastors John Stott and J.I. Packer, the biblical scholar and popular writer N.T. Wright, the poets John Donne and T.S. Eliot and the well beloved C.S. Lewis. Being an Anglican is a way of being rooted in thousands of years of Christian history. Each Anglican church is part of a global movement of more than 80 million people in over 150 countries.

Our local church is connected with a regional group of churches called the Anglican Diocese of the South (ADOTS). Our diocese is connected to many other diocese throughout the USA and Canada and the USA and forms The Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). The ACNA is connected to other Anglican provinces around the world in a movement called (GAFCON).